It's very difficult to discern if I am being a success as a parent to my kids. Unfortunately, my less than twenty years of schooling missed out on one vital matter: nobody ever taught me how to be a parent. I have to make it up as I go along and trust me, it's just so hard.

It used to be easier when they were toddlers...teaching them the basics...They were a lot more submissive then. Giving them attention was all that matters. My kids are now 8 and 6 and I reckon my responsibility as a parent has grown as my kids have. I will have to discover that fine line between showing them that I still care enough and that at the same time I am now prepared to let them discover their freedom and basically leave them to work things out for themselves. Problem is, the small attention that I withdrew made them crave for more.
Nevertheless, I understand that my main duty as a parent is simply to be there, love them and appreciate them. I may not always be with them physically. It is close to impossible since I also work and have other responsibilities. So, I would call on them and ask them about their day and when I get home, I would study and play with them, tell them stories and just simply cuddle with them.
It is essential that I am also a friend and a buddy to them. But more than that, they and I must not forget that what I am is a PARENT. They may often complain and whine that I am constantly on their case and it surely makes me wonder and ponder if I am overdoing it. But I know in the long run, they will be grateful and wouldn't have had it any other way. And I know that they will be all the more successful for it.
The thing is, however hard the struggle is, I am trying the best that I can and knowing that my kids love me make it a bit more gratifying.
So, to Cuatro and Alex, as a popular line goes: "I'll love you forever...I'll like you for always...As long as I'm living, your mommy I will be..."
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